Binghamton Homeownership Academy

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Home Repair

Repair Your Home

A home and or energy improvement assistance program from The Binghamton Homeownership Academy (BHOA) can help increase the value of your home and make it more liveable, safe and energy efficient.

  • Need a new furnace?
  • Want to repair your leaky roof?
  • Upgrade a bathroom?
  • Paint your house?

The BHOA may be able to help with all these projects and more!

The BHOA offers the NYSERDA Energy Loan & Grant program, Repair/Rehab grant assistance program through the City of Binghamton, Quaranta Housing Services, First Ward Action Council, and Opportunities for Tioga.

If there are other programs available to you based upon the neighborhood in which you live, your household income, or the severity of the repair, that offer lower interest rate and/or a grant component, we will notify you as quickly as possible.

These other programs may have additional eligibility, reporting and work specifications and may require you to submit additional information for your case to be processed.

Call the BHOA for eligibility requirements today! 607.723.0723

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