Binghamton Homeownership Academy

Home » Foreclosure Prevention

Foreclosure Prevention

Foreclosure prevention services are part of Metro Interfaith’s HUD Housing Counseling. Counselors are trained in foreclosure prevention through NeighborWorks® America Training Institute. They work with the customer and lender to try and come to an agreement that suits both parties.

It is best to contact the lender as soon as you think you will miss a mortgage payment and then contact a housing counselor. Though we do not have funds to give you for your mortgage, we do have the knowledge of the default/foreclosure options and will work with you to help get you back on track with your mortgage payment.

How to contact us
A housing counselor will interview you over the phone. Be sure to have your mortgage loan number, amount you pay monthly and any correspondence you may have received from your lender.

Remember, it is easier to fix a smaller problem than a bigger one. Don’t wait until you are being foreclosed on. Call before you miss a payment!

Contact us at 607-723-0723

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